Capt Graah's account on Angekkok beliefs

In this excerpt Captain Graah is comparing their belief system to his own European Christianity. He expresses they have no belief system because they do not worship a Supreme Being. He observes their subscription to many spirits that are connected to the land and are unseen by any except the Angekkoks themselves. He accounts how their beliefs play out in daily life to the health of individuals and the procurement of their food 

Voyage to Greenland Religion
Capt Graah's account on Angekkok beliefs
The perspective of European views observing the Angekkok's beliefs in supernatural beings
Willhelm August Graah
Date Created
John Parker
Bibliographic Citation
Willhelm August Graah. Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland. London: John Parker. 1837.
Stef G742.G73