Death of Christiansen, Brainard Diary
Brainard records the death of Frederick Thorlip Christiansen in great detail. "Fred (E) who has been ill for several days died at 9 a.m. the cause was probably owing to the exposure incident to his trip with Long to Mount Carey on short rations. In fact he slowly starved to death. He was buried at 2 P.M. + salute fired over the grave. His comrade did not display the stoicism that is usually attributed to his race but exhibited signs of deep emotion. He talks hopely of the future," (Brainard 144).
David Brainard
Date Created
April 5th, 1884
Dartmouth Libraries
Bibliographic Citation
David Brainard papers, Mss-189. Rauner Library Archives and Manuscripts. https://archives-manuscripts.dartmouth.edu/repositories/2/resources/1207 Accessed November 08, 2024.