Clothing Advertisement from the Saturday Evening Post featuring a Pullman Porter.

Pullman Porter Ad
Clothing Advertisement from the Saturday Evening Post featuring a Pullman Porter.
Color illustration of a clothing advertisment from the June 17, 1922 issue of The Saturday Evening Post featuring a Pullman Porter. The advertisment is for "Kuppenheimer Good Cloths" and states that it is "an investment in good appearance". The advertisement depicts an African American porter facing the reader smiling wearing an orange-red porter cap and carrying two pieces of luggage, one in his hand and one under his arm. In front of him is a white man and woman. The man is looking straight ahead and wearing an overcoat and hat, reading a newspaper titled "Atlantic". The woman is holding him by the arm wearing a black dress and an orange-red flapper-style hat, looking up at the man. At the bottom right corner is the signature "J.C. Leyendecker". The advertisement is directly on the back of the front cover of The Saturday Morning Post.
Leyendecker, J.C., American, 1874 - 1951
Date Created
Leyendecker, J.C., American, 1874 - 1951
The Saturday Evening Post, American, founded 1821

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