"Gods Promise to His Plantations" Section on Samuel 7:10


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"Gods Promise to His Plantations" Section on Samuel 7:10
These three pages are a section of John Cotton's sermon given to colonists settling Massachusetts. The sermon begins by quoting a bible verse where God promises to "appoint a place for [His] people Israel" where they will "move no more." The inclusion of this verse affirms that Cotton and the Puritans believed their quest to settle Massachusetts was both religiously motivated and divinely ensured. This worldview, where they are the clear protagonist, is one of the major reasons why Massachusetts Puritans saw King Philip’s War as such a terrifying moment for them. They thought, if God was on their side, and Massachusetts is Israel, why would He let them suffer?
In addition, Cotton uses the phrase “my people” to describe the Puritans, making it quite obvious that he believes the Puritans are truly God’s people, not merely all Christians, and certainly not all people.
John Cotton
Date Created
Jones for Bellamy
Bibliographic Citation
John Cotton. Gods Promise to His Plantation. London: Jones for Bellamy, 1630.
Val 824 C823 R4
Site pages
Religious Thought