Roger Williams' Romanticization of Rhode Island History (Excerpt from Callender)


Novicoff 5
Roger Williams' Romanticization of Rhode Island History (Excerpt from Callender)
John Callender, clergyman, historian, and Harvard graduate (at age 20; he started at age 13), wrote this history of Rhode Island, and in the shown excerpt is a Roger Williams quote about Rhode Island's origin. As you can tell by the text, this narrative of Rhode Island is highly romanticized, describing Rhode Island as "obtained by Love," rather than with good Indian diplomacy after a religiously motivated banishing from Salem. On a historiographical note, it is also notable that the practice of history in the 18th century had a much larger focus on interviews with participants in the history than historical narratives do today
John Callender (and quote is from Roger Williams)
Date Created
Kneeland and Green
Bibliographic Citation
John Callender. A Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantation in New-England in America. Boston: Kneeland and Green, 1739.
Rare F82 .C136
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