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Anthropology 7 (Winter 2021): The Values of Medicine
The Values of Medicine
Father, Son, and Holy Plague: How the Information of the Time Caused the Spread of the 1665 Plague
“The plague is very terrible!” - Historical Accounts of the Plague
Plucked Chickens and Plague Water: Traditional and Unconventional Remedies
The Poisonous, Noisome, Infectious, and Deadly Judgement of God: The Intersection of Science and Religion
Browse Plague Collection
Hysteria: Pathologizing the Female Experience
Contextualizing the Epidemic: Hysteria in Time and Space
Don’t be a Pussy: The Feminine Mind as an Ailment
The Weaker Sex: Female Bodies as Distorted Male Figures
Enduring Standards: Marketing the Normal Female Today
Hysteria Primary Sources
Hysteria Bibliography
Smallpox's Tri-Continental Affair: 1700-1800s Transference of Knowledge
From Africa to Europe: Stolen Knowledge and Experimentation
From Europe to New England Colonies: Religion and Doubts
From History to Today: Smallpox’s Manifestations Return to Modern Day Africa
Smallpox Overview & Timeline
Browse Smallpox Collection
Cholera and COVID-19: Change and Continuity in the Landscape of Public Illness
Causes and Consequences: Cholera Then and Now
Cholera Cartographies: Pandemic Routes and Vectors
Practical Obedience: Epidemic Intersections of Religion and Public Policy
A Poor Man's Plague: Disease and Inequality
Materials Collection
Part of
Benjamin Hale, Hanover, to Father, 18 June 1832