
List of sources used in the Cholera and COVID-19 exhibit. Please see the Materials Collection for full-color scans of each original document.

Barrett, Samuel. A Sermon Preached ... On Account of the Approach of Cholera. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company, 1832.DLD BV4647 .P5 B3778)

Brigham, A. A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera: Including and Historical Account of Its Origins and Progress, to the Present Period. Hartford: H. and F. J. Huntington, 1832.DLD 616.091 B767t7)

“Broadside about Cholera.” The British Library, The British Library, 10 Apr. 2014.

Chadbourne, Thomas. medical lecture notes, 1816, Dartmouth Medical School.Codex MS 337411)

Cruveilhier, Jean. Anatomia Pathologique du Corps Humain. Paris: J. B. Bailliere, 1829-42.Rare RB33.C96

Daly, Walter J. “The Black Cholera Comes to the Central Valley of America in the 19th Century - 1832, 1849, and Later.” Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, vol. 119, 2008, pp. 143–53.

Drake, Daniel. A Practical Treatise on the History, Prevention, and Treatment of Epidemic Cholera. Cincinnati: Corey and Fairbank, 1832.DLD 606.091 D789p6)

Farivar, Masood. “Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans Spiked by 150% in Major US Cities | Voice of America - English.” Voice of America, 2 Mar. 2021,

Gale, Jonathan. “Cholera morbus or vomiting and purging.” Dartmouth Medical School thesis, 1836.DA-3, Box 1091313)

Greenhow, T. M. Cholera as it Recently Appeared in the Towns of Newcastle and Gateshead. Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1832.DLD 616.091 G838c3)

Hale, Benjamin. Hanover, to Father, 18 June 1832.MS 8153639) Chalmers, Thomas. The efficacy of prayer : a sermon preached at St. George's Church, Edinburgh, on Thursday, March 22, 1832, being the day appointed for the national fast on account of the prevalence of cholera. Boston: Clapp & Hull, 1832.Rare BL241 .C53410)

Harning, Lisa N. Comparing and Contrasting Social, Political, and Medical Reactions to 19th Century Cholera Epidemics in London and New York City. 2015, p. 85.

Jortner, Adam. “Cholera, Christ, and Jackson: The Epidemic of 1832 and the Origins of Christian Politics in Antebellum America.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 27, no. 2, 2007, pp. 233–264., doi:10.1353/jer.2007.0025. 

Koch, Tom, and Kenneth Denike. “Crediting His Critics’ Concerns: Remaking John Snow’s Map of Broad Street Cholera, 1854.” Social science & medicine (1982) 69.8 (2009): 1246–1251. Web.

LaRocque, Regina and Harris, Jason B. "Cholera: Clinical Features, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention." UpToDate, 2 December 2020.

Lyon, Benjamin. Springfield, Ohio, to Isaac Lyon, West Fairly, Vermont, 16 March 1834. Lyon Family Correspondence.MS 820575.1

Moynihan, Donald, and Gregory Porumbescu. “Analysis | Trump’s ‘Chinese Virus’ Slur Makes Some People Blame Chinese Americans. But Others Blame Trump.” Washington Post, 16 Sept. 2020.,

Paine, Martyn. Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia as it has Appeared in New York. New York: Collins & Hannay, 1832.DLD 616.091 P163l4)

Reese, David. A Plain and Practical treatise on the epidemic of Cholera. New York: Conner & Cooke, 1833.Rare RC126.R432)

Rosenberg, C. E. “The Cholera Epidemic of 1832 in New York City.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 33, no. 1, Feb. 1959, pp. 37–49.

Rosenberg, Charles E. The Cholera Years: The United States in 1832, 1849, and 1866. University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Vazquez, Maegan. “Biden Honors the Half Million US Lives Lost to Coronavirus.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 Feb. 2021.

Image Sources:

Emproto, Robert. “Historian Paul Kelton Tells a Tale of Two Pandemics | Stony Brook Matters.” Stonybrook Matters: News for Alumni & Friends, June 2020,

"Help Akron Children's protect our patients and staff with DIY face masks." Akron Children's Hospital,, 1 April 2020. Web. Accessed 08 March 2021.
