Newspaper Covers on October 3rd, 1968
Newspaper Covers on October 3rd, 1968
These are some of the newspaper who covered the events of October 3rd, 1968 after the Tlatelolco massacre a day before. The collage includes (in order, from left to right): Por Qué Magazine, El Nacional Newspaper, Alerta Newspaper, and Excelsior Newspaper.
Maria Trevino
Date Created
March 10, 2022
Por Qué Magazine, El Nacional Newspaper, Alerta Newspaper, and Excelsior Newspaper. All published together in an article by Paredro.
Bibliographic Citation
García, Marcela. 2019. Portadas de periódicos después del 2 de octubre de 1968. March 2022. Images. Paredro.
Por Qué. 1968. La Matanza. Newspaper cover. March 2022. Image. Por Qué.
El Nacional. 1968. Criminal Provocación en el Mitin de Tlatelolco Causó Sangriento Zafarrancho. Newspaper cover. March 2022. Image. El Nacional.
Alerta. 1968. Sangre en Tlatelolco. Newspaper cover. March 2022. Image. Alerta.
Excelsior. 1968. Recio Combate al Dispersar el Ejército un Mitin de Huelguistas. Newspaper cover. March 2022. Image. Excelsior,