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History 10.03 (Winter 2020): The Dartmouth Vietnam Project: Learning Oral History in a Digital Age
Dartmouth Vietnam Project: Class Digital Exhibits from HIST 10.03 W20
Dartmouth Vietnam Project: Class Digital Exhibits from HIST 10.03 W20
Making a Living: Work and Its Implications in Post-War Saigon
Work as a Cultural Entity
Keeping the Stove Burning: Labor and Traditional Family Dynamics
When Home Isn't Enough: Work, Identity, and Migration
In Conversation with Mary Hong
"But it never felt like a burden" | the Sacrifice of Caregiving in the Vietnam War
Gayle Smith: Interview and Overview
Diverse motives: Why volunteer in Vietnam?
Quotidian trauma: What was so traumatic about caregiving in Vietnam?
The process of healing: How are Army nurses situated in the conversation about PTSD?
"A War We Had No Business Being In:" The Military and the Antiwar Movement
Interview with Bruce Boedker
Resistance on All Fronts: The Draft
The Collapse of the Armed Forces: Military Involvement
Role of Veterans
"The Best Thing I Ever Did": Evaluating Positive Aspects of the Navy Corpsman Experience from the Vietnam War
"Corpsman Up"
"Yeah, Well They Saved My Life Every Day"
"There Were Times That We Laughed"
"They Still Loved Their Doc"
Interview with Former Corpsman: Jack Cassidy
"The Gift of Freedom" and Other Stories: Narratives about Rescue and Migration during and after the Vietnam War
Interview with Stephen Le
Mimi Nguyen's "The Gift of Freedom" Thesis
The American "Gift of Freedom" Discourse during the Vietnam War
"Children of the Dust": Amerasian Experiences in Vietnam
The Passage of the US Amerasian Homecoming Act
Perspectives on Freedom: Vietnamese Refugees' Migration Narratives
Part of
Medals Thrown at the Capitol