Picture of Amerasian Child with Mother Picture of Amerasian Child with Mother
Thai and Vietnamese Refugees Leaving Saigon by Plane through the Orderly Departure Act Thai and Vietnamese Refugees Leaving Saigon by Plane through the Orderly Departure Act. Here, arriving in Bangkok
Transcript of Interview with Stephen Le Transcript of Interview with Stephen Le by Nicole Tiao
Celebration of Liberation of Saigon (May 1975) Liberation of Saigon Celebrated -
Carrying the portrait of Ho Chi Minh, South Vietnamese parade in down town Saigon on May 15 during the celebration which began under a light drizzle at the presidential palace, once occupied by South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. All of the top leaders attended the opening ceremonies of three-day celebration, including Nuynh Tan Phat President, and Mme. Nguyen Thi Binh, Foreign Affairs Minister.
Aerial View of Residential Area (Saigon) Aerial View of Residential Area (Saigon)
Post Card of Nha Trang Post Card of the Centre of Nha Trang Town
Sea Tiger (III Marine Amphibious Force) Newspaper, November 30, 1966 Sea Tiger (III Marine Amphibious Force) Newspaper, November 30, 1966
Passage to Freedom Greeting Sign on LST-901 (USS Litchfield County) Passage to Freedom Greeting Sign on LST-901 (USS Litchfield County)
Greeting from Refugees (September 1954) Greeting from Refugees
Boat People at Galang Processing Centre, Indonesia (1984) Indonesia - 1984 - Boat People - Galang Processing Centre / Arrival
Vietnamese refugees continue to risk their lives on small boats
Entrance to Tran Hung Dao Elementary School, Saigon, Vietnam Entrance to Tran Hung Dao Elementary School, Saigon, Vietnam
"Crying Drops of Blood" Poem written by Chi D. Pham, an Amerasian from Vietnam
Aid the victims of US bombing: Send contributions to medical aid for Indo-China (1972) Poster showing nude child surrounded by shape of bomb, with eight other bombs falling.
Amerasian Review Checklist Amerasian Review Checklist
1966 Congress Debate Mentioning Amerasian Fate 1966 Congress Debate Mentioning Amerasian Fate
Front cover of Mimi Nguyen's "The Gift of Freedom" Front cover of Mimi Nguyen's "The Gift of Freedom: War, Debt, and Other Refugee Passages"
Le Van Minh from 1987 Picture taken by Audrey Tiernan and published by Newsday in 1987. Reproduced for my educational purposes.